

By Margaret CHUNG (Jockey Club Academy Hall)

Congratulations! We have all made it through the mid-terms. Many of us had been studying hard for the mid-terms during the reading week. The first task before reading books was to find a place to study. During that period, a great number of students flooded into the library, canteens, classrooms or anywhere with a desk and chair. To grab a seat was even harder than to study a difficult question.

I believe most residents would rather stay in their halls to study. No matter at which place, we all need to follow a rule: to keep quiet and maintain a good environment for study. Some people have a clearer mind and are more concentrated under quiet circumstances while some find it better to study with music, which may help soothe their nerves. Conflicts may arise when resident A plays music loudly through speakers while resident B craves for a silent moment. In most cases, A might not know that the music disturbs others and does not do it intentionally.

Communication is always the best way to solve problems. Assume this case happens in halls. A and B might be hallmates, floor-mates or roommates. Instead of making a complaint to hall tutors or SRO, which is a rather indirect way to solve the problem, B could voice his/her concern to A in a polite and gentle way to deal with the problem promptly and peacefully. A should first put himself/herself in B’s shoes and then either lower the volume of the speakers or turn the speakers off and earphones on to minimize the disturbance. After that, both of them could have suitable environments for study. None of them upsets the other.

Being respectful and considerate is the key to maintaining a peaceful and harmonious living environment that leads to a happy and healthy hall life.

In the remaining few weeks of this semester, we still have plenty of schoolwork, projects, assignments and exams waiting for us. Let’s create a good environment for study and wellness hand in hand.